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Our Program offers a chance for each child to be a part of our movement classes. Within RMA we offer an area that allows for children to explore new ways to move.  Each class has 30 minutes of physical education time during the day and ten minutes yoga and meditation. Our teachers include this time in their lesson planning to offer children a variety of skills and abilities such as social skills, cognitive, gross motor, teamwork, confidence, physical development and so much more!


Physical Education Program

Our Physical Education Community 


Academics are important, but so is finding time for fitness. When kids have the chance to run and play before school and at recess, they focus more and fidget less during class. Brain breaks also help. Physical education provides another opportunity to move during the school day. It also exposes kids to new sports and games and introduces important health habits.​


 Our early-childhood resources teach the importance of physical activity for young children. We offer a variety of activity ideas that motivate children to move. Our Physical Education Program includes multiple opportunities for children to discover something new, allows children to develop many skills that transfer, and provides different learning experiences

Benefits of physical education​

  • Improving their concentration and ability to stay on-task in the classroom.

  • Reducing disruptive behavior, such as fidgeting, in the classroom.

  • Improving their motivation and engagement in the learning process.

  • Helping to improve their academic performance.

  • Increasing their amount of daily physical activity.

Academics are important, but so is finding time for fitness. When kids have the chance to run and play before school and at recess, they focus more and fidget less during class.

What Our Program Offers 




The Dance classes offered in our program help develop basic movement skills, musical awareness, expression and creativity. Our classes can include dancing with fun props (scarves, instruments, etc.) and we offer themed dance classes (Hip Hop, Zumba etc) for your child. 


The Dance classes offered in our program help develop basic movement skills, musical awareness, expression and creativity.


The goal of our program is to provide children with simple and fun yoga routines for  mindfulness which focuses on the development of emotional wellbeing, and mental and physical health. Children will learn breathing practices, yoga postures, and mindfulness with a fun element that's refreshing & relaxing for body & mind. It offers a unique holistic and fun approach to kid’s mental health & wellness.

Children will learn breathing practices, yoga postures, and mindfulness with a fun element that's refreshing & relaxing for body & mind.

Kids Fitness 

Our Fitness program introduces muscles warm up.  Through warm-up and stretching the child will have the opportunity to perform a variety of exercises for both our upper and lower body.  The exercises and workouts will be fresh and fun each class!  Your child will have the opportunity to move with a circuit training course and experience fun games! This will help develop skills to increase strength, balance and cardio capacity through the art of play.

Through warm-up and stretching the child will have the opportunity to perform a variety of exercises for both our upper and lower body. 
All games and activities will focus on hand-eye coordination, balance, agility and movement – all key factors to the early development of children in sport.


Our sports program keeps children active, teaches friendly competition and introduces healthy practices for life. We offer a variety of sports in a safe and structured environment. All games and activities will focus on hand-eye coordination, balance, agility and movement – all key factors to the early development of children in sport.


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