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Science Program 

ScienceStart! is the only curriculum for preschoolers that purposefully teaches children about the natural world, providing them with a rich knowledge base and developmentally appropriate use of science process skills.

Our Science Program 

The Science Program expands the Montessori Curriculum into a more in-depth learning experience for children.  The program addresses all domains of science by engaging the curiosity of the child. We offer demonstrations, perform simple experiments and discover how science works within our world. Our science programs are  hands-on learning experiences for children, and provide an interactive, age-appropriate exploration of Scientific knowledge. 

 Our STEM programs cover a wide range of science topics and provide children with the opportunity to experience science in a hands-on way.



Benefits of Science

  • Allows them to obtain a greater knowledge of the world

  • Promotes critical thinking

  • Improves problem-solving skills

  • Stimulates creativity

  • Instills respect for nature

  • Improves literacy & vocabulary

What Our Program Offers

Life Sciences 

 Life Science helps children learn what organisms need to grow and survive and how species interact with each other within their environments. The resources help them understand the structures and functions that make plants and animals similar to one another in some ways and unique in others. 

Children explore the natural world through life sciences experiences
Children use magnets to discover the physical properties of the world they live in

Physical Science

Physical Science help children discover the nature and properties of energy, forces, and matter as studied in physics, engineering, and chemistry. 

Earth and Space Sciences 

Earth and Space Sciences  includes a wealth of resources that help children understand geologic features and processes on Earth, atmospheric systems that impact global weather and climate, as well as interactions among planets and other objects found in outer space.

Children learn about the earth planets and solar system through focused knowledge with unique materials
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