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Why Choose Montessori ?

The importance of early childhood education to children’s lives is beyond question. A good beginning to life is well recognized as the foundation for future development, health and wellbeing, not only in the early years, but also throughout life.  Choosing the Montessori approach for early childhood education provides the foundation that families seek. 


The Montessori Method of education is successful  because it is based on a deep understanding of the way children learn: through choosing, trying and doing themselves. The Montessori philosophy uses a "whole child" approach to education and focuses on children's ability to learn by teaching them how to learn. 


Why Families Choose Us


  • Personalised Curriculum

  • Encourages independence

  • Holistic approach to learning and development

  • Develops problem solving skills 

  • Encourages social skills and collaboration

  • Promotes a life-long love of learning

1. Social Development and Collaboration

In a Montessori classroom, children are grouped with different ages and are encouraged to collaborate and help each other. This structure to the learning environment encourages children to learn to respect each other, develop the skills of collaborative problem solving, and build a sense of community.

2. Learning is fun

In a Montessori classroom, you learn about all areas of the curriculum by actively participating in activities that engage multiple senses. Learning doesn’t come from listening to lectures, it is experienced by participating in the world around them in an engaging, real and relevant way.

3. Child Centred, Teacher Guided

Every child learns in a different way and at their own pace. Our teachers create a learning program that is unique to every child. Our multi-age classrooms are specially designed to encourage children to achieve their development potential at their own pace, and actively participate in their learning.

4. Holistic Learning Experience

The Montessori curriculum covers eight key areas that focus on the cognitive, social and emotional development of the child. Key curriculum areas include: practical life, sensorial, mathematics, language, science, geography, art and culture. The Montessori curriculum is directly aligned with what children will learn in primary school and beyond.

5. Fostering Independence

Everything about the Montessori classroom fosters independence. The environment is prepared to allow the child to learn to do things for themselves that would otherwise be done by an adult. Over time, children begin to develop a sense of pride in doing things independently, such as washing dishes, caring for plants, and folding child-sized wash cloths. This is not only empowering for the child, but it also gives them a huge boost in confidence, and a sense of personal achievement

Our multi-age classrooms are specially designed to encourage children to achieve their development potential at their own pace, and actively participate in their learning.
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